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tuning fork | gong | crystal bowel

Chris believes that when we experience challenges physically, emotionally, or spiritually, we are out of balance with natural resonance, the frequency at which everything vibrates harmoniously. Using specific instruments and techniques, a Sound Bath rebalances and quickly immerses us into a theta state where healing, rejuvenation, and transformation is possible. Sound Baths are gently powerful and completely safe.



singing bowel | rain shaker | mantra

Janet offers one-on-one sound healing treatments. She uses a variety of sacred instruments such as Gong, wind-chimes, rain-shakers, tingshaws, singing bowls and mantra in her sessions.

Himalayan singing bowls have been used for centuries for healing and meditation purposes in Tibet, India and Nepal. They create a range of sounds to restore the normal vibratory frequencies within the body, mind and spirit. Sounds from the Himalayan singing bowls stimulate the brain to move into Theta wave frequencies that induce deep, meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind, and heightened intuition. The sound vibrations impact our nervous system, producing deep relaxation and inhibiting the stress or pain response.

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